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Love Cork Screw
  • Corporate Virtual Wine Tasting

    Note: Booking is required BEFORE purchasing any of the Wine Tasting Options. Click here to Book or Email us at info@lovecorkscrew.com with your desired date to confirm availability. Bring your colleagues or non-profit organization together for an unforgettable virtual wine tasting experience with Love Cork Screw's CEO, Chrishon Lampley. Through our Corporate Wine Tasting event, your office or group can enjoy a unique and engaging evening with LCS wines delivered straight to your employees' or members' doorsteps. To get started, have your office's events team or group contact us at info@LoveCorkScrew.com to arrange the event. Attendee minimums and pricing vary, with prices ranging from $60-$80 per person, with shipping included (except for Hawaii and Alaska). Home goods options are also available. Please allow up to 72 hours between the time you place your order and the date of the event, as shipping delays can sometimes occur that are out of our control. Note: Booking is required BEFORE purchasing any of the Wine Tasting Options. Click here to Book or Email us at info@lovecorkscrew.com with your desired date to confirm availability.
  • As a young woman, Chrishon Lampley asked lots of questions and was determined to be successful. With the right resources, research and support, she was able to create a highly recognizable brand.  As the founder of LCS Entertainment, Chrishon strives to be a mentor and thought partner to budding entrepreneurs.   Chrishon is now offering virtual 1-on-1 sessions for entrepreneurs just like you! The 30 Minute Session is ideal for the entrepreneur who is ready to try something new. Talking to an experienced entrepreneur can prove to be extremely valuable and beneficial. Take the next step in your divine journey and book your exclusive session TODAY!   You will receive your Zoom time assignment upon sign-up.*
  • Following "social distancing" doesn't mean your corporate atmosphere can no longer be social! Spice up your events with the help of Love Cork Screw's CEO, Chrishon Lampley for a Wine Tasting event. Contact your local office's events team then email us at info@LoveCorkScrew.com to schedule a session. NOTE: This is the first step towards hosting a virtual wine tasting, please book on this page and we will follow-up with you!
  • As a young woman, Chrishon Lampley asked lots of questions and was determined to be successful. With the right resources, research and support, she was able to create a highly recognizable brand. As the founder of LCS Entertainment, Chrishon strives to be a mentor and thought partner to budding entrepreneurs. Where is your business headed? Have you prioritized goal setting? Chrishon is now offering virtual 1-on-1 sessions for entrepreneurs just like you! The 1 Hour Session is perfect for the entrepreneur who is ready to discuss their vision and explore strategic planning. Discussing different business methodologies and receiving supportive feedback in an intimate setting is exactly what you have been missing. If you are ready to thrive and take the powerful steps you need to take to ensure your goal(s), book your transformative session TODAY! You will receive your Zoom time assignment upon sign-up.*
  • Join Chrishon and fellow entrepreneurs on April 13th at 5:30 pm CST to discuss your vision and explore strategic planning. This 2-hour session provides a supportive environment to learn about different business methodologies and receive tailored feedback. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take powerful steps towards achieving your goals - book your transformative session today! After signing up for the session, you will receive a Zoom link to join the virtual group.


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